Sprucies In The Kitchen

Welcome to Sprucies in the Kitchen, our on-line kitchen! Please make yourself at home. "Today's kitchen is where food is shared over conversation and laughter. It is where real communion between our hearts and minds occurs, where friendship is affirmed and where love seasons every plate." --excerpted from St Euphrosynos the Cook: The kitchen as focal point of communion

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Newest, Best Dip Ever!

spicy coconut milk salsa hummus!

combine in a blender:

one half can of coconut milk
one can of chick peas
teaspoon of salt
teaspoon of cayenne (to taste)
teaspoon of onion/garlic powder
one tomato
a generous teaspoon or two of vegetable stock powder and
Spicy Pepper Medley spice.

blend until saucy! and enjoy.



Blogger Paul said...

You're hilarious Hummus Boy! Where did you get this one (or did you discover it scientifically)?

Sounds good; I will try it.

Wed Mar 22, 08:52:00 a.m. PST  
Blogger Unknown said...

spicy coconut milk salsa hummus?

Scary... So it must be good lol


Mon Jul 31, 04:52:00 p.m. PDT  

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